Σεμινάρια - Διαλέξεις - Εκθέσεις - Μουσικά Δρώμενα - Προβολές - Διασκέψεις - Επιστημονικά Συνέδρια - Αναλύσεις - Πολιτιστικές Εκδηλώσεις

Τρίτη 26 Μαΐου 2009

A Friendly Environment by Marlen Karletidou Student Presentation

In the framework of Marlen Kareltidou?s solo painting exhibition entitled "A friendly Environment" a presentation of the artist's student's work from the academic year 2008 - 2009 will be posted aside the exhibition. Children will also be submitting their own art work revolving around the exhibition?s theme: a friendly environment. The student presentation will take place on the 28, 29 and 30th of May during the gallery opening hours.

Marlen karletidou's exhibition is in going until the 30th of May. For more information please
click here

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